Monday, January 2, 2012

Nha Trang's paradise for those who love the sea

It is no coincidence that Nha Trang was recognized as one of the most beautiful bays in the world. Not just to Nha Trang Vietnam is already admire the real beauty of this sea pearls.

As one of the rare models of natural systems in bays in the world. Nha Trang is the most ecological studies, rare tropical waters. That's wetland ecosystems, coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds, estuarine ecosystems, marine ecosystems islands, ecosystems of coastal sands. Not so say all the little gems in Nha Trang Bay populations.

Want to discover the real beauty of Nha Trang heaven can not be ignored much point to this wonderful.

1. Where the first to welcome the sun in our country: Beach General Consul

Consulate General Sea - Nha Trang Nearly all aspects of Van Ninh district, Ninh Hoa district level to 50 km, is a beautiful beach and famous from the reign of King Minh Mang. In the hot summer months, the following can relax, have fun camping and playing with the waves or hiking, soaking in the cool spring waters.

Nearly 1 km long beach with white sand crescent surgery adjacent to the Co Ma pass - Nha Trang and nose Hon Gion - Nha Trang, a beach that seems on the ring - Nha Trang vi vu all night on the Garden of Eden of youth. Yard run - Nha Trang, very convenient for bathing and sun exposure.

Nature has endowed the General Consulate Sea - Nha Trang - the first to welcome the sun in our country is a rare beauty. Beaches are composed of pure sand it with fine, clear blue sea bottom looks nice can not indifferent. Lunch time in the sun blue sea harshness. In the afternoon, leaning to dark brown sea. Covered at dusk, General Consul - Nha Trang as immersed in the mystical realms of anxiety dreams how soul tourists.

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has evaluated the General Consulate - Nha Trang is one of the most beautiful in Southeast Asia.

2. Pearl of the wild: Doc Let Sea - Nha Trang

A great beach to enjoy the relaxing, comfortable, leaving the floodgates noisy, untidy streets. Doc Let - Nha Trang wild blue four seasons, there are many white sand dunes, has parts as in the wild woods, covered by non-employees. The real attraction of Doc Let Beach - Nha Trang start from the very primitive.

Go to Doc Let - Nha Trang anyone will have the opportunity fully to nature, only the sea and the sea is always clear comfort.

Nothing to exciting by Doc Let - Nha Trang is to truly enjoy yourself with only the sea, is being hand selected those crab, snails, clams or squid ... and leaves fresh, charming the sea. Enjoy fresh seafood was in the shade of the casuarina groves, then hurried out seabed, heard murmuring waves, sea breezes heard ringing joy of the picnic on a beautiful beach ...

3. Graceful beauty: Bai Tru - Nha Trang

Beach seductive beauty of a peaceful, spacious and especially the purity of water and sand.

It's natural beaches on the island of Hon Tre - Nha Trang (now known as Mongolia Dam - Nha Trang, Hon Lon - Nha Trang). From a coast overlooking Nha Trang, the island horns like a giant crocodile slithered into the ocean. Few people can imagine this place has a beach Statement - Nha Trang pure beauty, charm and really romantic.

There is rarely a big wave as toward the land. Sloping away from the sand, white and smooth, the water can see through to the bottom. Behind the mountain Hon Tre - Nha Trang city wall breakwater as the wind from blowing on the ocean. After swimming, you can drop step on the sand, collecting shells, shells with a lot of strange design. Those who prefer to invite another animator can go fishing or hunting dive Drop shrimps.

4. The princess is awakened: Long Beach - Nha Trang

Long Beach - Nha Trang (Cam Hai Dong commune, Cam Ranh town) becomes active as the princess is awakened after many years of slumber.

Bai Dai beach area - Nha Trang is now looking to many long-only about 1km from the foot of the mountain next to the Strait. Sand smooth and very clean here. The days of quiet sea, far from withdrawing tide, the sea reveals a vast sandy area (hence this place called Long Beach - Nha Trang).

You will be excited to meet the owner of a small sea, beautiful beautiful playing together on the sand but did not fear humans. In this shallow beach, safe for tourists, even those who could not swim.

Fun bathing in Long Beach - Nha Trang beach is different from animals in Nha Trang, because you feel like the sea here almost no one came, and the immense wave, you feel the flapping of waves, not not dominated by the noise of the motor vehicle. Interestingly, adjacent beaches, each household trade are dug fresh water wells with a depth of about 2m. Fresh water is used here not charge.

Surrounding areas, sand is very white, a pure white creates beautiful sand hills. On the beautiful sand dunes that are small trees, tangled vines cling to the sand to create the green carpet. Crops are grown here is aspen, poplar forests create a romantic escape in the white sand dunes. Climb the sand dunes, and then select the shade under the pine forests, you enjoy a particular day for Long Beach - Nha Trang.

5. Where giants stumble: Hon Chong - Nha Trang

According to legend, the giant steps he has created in bays, forming islands, the Island of today's Nha Trang.

The story of Hon Chong - Nha Trang with a giant hand traces imbedded in the rock also started like that and it is believed that, when the giant steps giant steps toward the mainland, the accidental, non- accidentally stumble. A natural reflex, the giant dug VIU trying to stand up and own hands had dug VIU imbedded in the rock, soul exist until now husband.

Besides Puppetry - Nha Trang "muscular" great wife, the Hon - Nha Trang Vietnam seems smoother, more petite. Hon wife - Nha Trang has the shape of a woman sitting in the sea ... Many said that, the appeal of Hon Chong - Nha Trang, is ultimately due to the harmony with the sea, with natural beauty.

Hon Chong tourism area - Nha Trang is a beach where you can have, it can play climbing, while watching the beach. From Hon Chong - Nha Trang could see blue sky, the vast ultramarine sea, and imagine paradise where Hon Yen - Nha Trang. Go to the right as far away Cau Da Port, Hon Tre and Nha Trang beach 6km long with coconut, green floral display on the non-working white sand surgery. Lasan hill hidden inside the nose, jutting into the sea as river Nha Trang, landing Cu Lao - Nha Trang busy. It seems that all seem to have the placement of hands in favor of artists' creation. "

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